Sunday, January 26, 2014

Wanted By the Giver of Light

"You Created the Stars, Yet You Still Want My Heart."

I saw the above quote yesterday on Pinterest, pinned by Not of This World Clothing. It reminds me of one of my favorite songs I had growing up, Matthew West's song More. I listened to words several times growing up, and they will forever stick with me: "I love you more than the sun and the stars that I taught how to shine. You are Mine, and you shine for Me too; I love you."

 It has always amazed me that the Giver of Light finds delight in dark and as far from holy as I am. Not only that, but He WANTS me. He really just WANTS me. Not to just hang around for a little bit and then throw me away when I get boring, not to have me bring Him to Show-And-tell so everybody can see how cool He is. But oh man, God wants me. He wants me when I'm hurting. He wants to wipe the tears from my eyes and scoop me up, giving me a hug and then placing me in His lap (is it weird to envision that? I've always thought of it that way...). He wants to hear how my day has been, even though He's been there every minute of the day. He wants to hear my laugh, even though I think it's terrible, because He created it and therefore, it is beautiful. He wants to be with me constantly, because, for some crazy reason, God loves me.

More than that, this quote reminds me that God may have a million other things going on, that He may have "Bigger" projects to attend to, but of course He is still going to notice when I am not giving Him 100%. Because, yes, God does have other things to do. But He still manages to be there for me in every moment.

God wants your heart. Your whole heart. Give it to Him, and let His light shine through it, making it more beautiful than any night sky.